Many drivers go through the unfortunate experience of misplacing their car keys or locking them inside the vehicle by accident. Perhaps even more challenging is when a key breaks off inside the ignition. When this happens, it can be a frustrating situation and even lead to a state of panic. How to commute to work now? What about getting groceries for dinner or picking up the kids from school?

For this eventuality, you need the phone number of a reliable local locksmith saved in your phone, and Champion Lock & Safe Company is the expert locksmith to call on. Save our number—(210) 590-6033—in your contacts so you can contact our dedicated customer care team for comprehensive solutions to your vehicle’s security system whenever you need your car keys replaced.

We’ve helped countless customers by replacing their car keys, and below, we’ve listed the reasons we think a local locksmith is always a better call than going to your dealer for a chip car key replacement.

A Locksmith Comes to Your Location

Transportation is the first thing to keep in mind if you want to replace your car keys. If you choose a dealership for your key replacement, you must transport your vehicle to them before they can help you. If you’re locked out, or your key has broken off in the ignition, that presents a problem. You might have to call a tow truck, but that means an exorbitant expense just to get you there.

On the other hand, a locksmith is equipped to deliver your car key replacement directly to your location. Wherever you’re stuck, you can have the locksmith come to you. Since being mobile is a large part of their frequent service, they can do it without issue and provide a solution where you aren’t inconvenienced or left with a hefty tow-truck bill to pay.

Locksmiths are an Outside-Work-Hours Solution

Your car keys don’t always choose the most opportune time to get lost, broken, or trapped inside your vehicle. You may be on your way to a family dinner in the evening or getting ready to drive to work early in the morning when you notice your car keys aren’t accessible anymore.

Ideally, you still want to keep your social or professional appointments, but if you try to call a dealership outside work hours, you’ll likely get no answer. Having to wait until your dealership is open before you can book an appointment doesn’t work when your personal and professional priorities don’t align with the dealership’s timelines.

Locksmiths are familiar with going out to a customer’s location day or night to help replace their keys. If you misplace your car keys beyond regular work hours, calling a locksmith could have your keys replaced within an hour or two. You may be late for your work or social gathering, but at least you’ll make it!

Car Lock and Key Specialists Carry Specialized Equipment

Different vehicles can have distinct key and fob mechanisms based on their make and model. One of the first things you must find out when you call a dealership is whether they can provide key replacements for your specific car. It’s possible that the dealership only works with one or two vehicle brands and can’t help you.

This is a situation where locksmiths shine. Since their service is built solely around lock and key, they must keep up to date on technological advancements for every type of security system and vehicle make and model. Your locksmith will be adept at replacing your car keys, no matter the make or model of your car.

A Locksmith Saves You Time

Car key replacements are time-sensitive issues that often occur at the least convenient moment. When you call a dealership to get your car keys replaced, you must work with their timelines. They have hundreds of appointments with customers with varying needs, and your car key replacement might not receive the urgent attention it requires.

On the other hand, a locksmith is well-versed in attending to your key replacement needs immediately. Their mobile service allows them to come to you in a jiffy and execute a car key replacement on the spot, saving you a significant amount of time and stress. Locksmiths train for many years and practice their skills extensively, so they’re equipped with the know-how to produce a well-made key that matches your vehicle precisely in little time and with minimal inconvenience.

The Cheaper Option is to Call a Locksmith

A locksmith is specialized in automobile locks and keys and can provide streamlined chip car key replacements that meet your needs quickly. They have the right materials and equipment readily at hand, meaning they’re able to offer a replacement at a fraction of the cost other services may charge you.

Losing, breaking, or locking your keys in the car is an unexpected and unplanned eventuality. Few drivers budget for this possibility and therefore are looking to solve it in the least expensive way possible. Locksmith’s specialization and ability to offer quick solutions that cost both them and you less mean they’re the right resource to call when you want to avoid further inconvenience and expense.

Final Thoughts

If you lose access to your car keys, the most crucial consideration is what method to employ to get a car key replacement. Should you contact a dealership in town to help replace your car keys or enlist a locksmith’s services?

While other sources cause substantially more time, cost, and stress for you to get the job done, a locksmith such as Champion Lock & Safe Company can come to your aid quickly and provide a high-quality, durable chip car key replacement calibrated to access your car and ignite your engine.

Champion Lock & Safe Company has been in the locksmith business for decades. Our specialized work helps us streamline our service to the benefit of the customer’s convenience, wallet, and time. Contact our courteous team at (210) 590-6033 any time of the day or night to meet your security needs on time and on budget.